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Accessibility at Your Fingertips

Enjoy a more immersive TV experience today. Get audio description and closed captioning sent directly to your mobile device with the FREE Spectrum Access App.

App Store
App Store

Getting Started

Using the Spectrum Access App is easy.

  • Open the app and choose a title to sync with your TV
  • Download the title’s audio description or subtitle track

  • Sync to your TV audio using the microphone on your device

The Spectrum Access App is compatible with iOS and Android devices. 

Experience Memorable Moments, Together

The Spectrum Access App offers a simple way to experience your favorite entertainment without distracting others. Everyone in the room can choose their own preferred feature – or none at all. One person can wear headphones to hear audio description between dialogue while another can read closed captions on their device.

On screen narration


Get More With Spectrum TV

Get Spectrum TV and enjoy Spectrum Guide Narration. Easily navigate menus and access hundreds of channels with narration of on-screen text and an audible TV guide.

Mobile Phone Accessibility


Spectrum’s Accessibility Center of Excellence

ACE is focused on creating an inclusive line of services with solutions for everyone. Our team includes many members with a disability. Learn more about our full line of accessibility features.